Sell Art Online and Boost Your Career: Here's How

Have you been planning to promote and sell your art online for a while, but you have no idea where to start? In this article we’re going to explain how to do that in an effective way, and which steps you have to follow to boost your creative career.

According to Statista, as of January 2024 there were over 5.3 billion Internet users all over the world, of which over 5 billion were social media users. This means that, as an artist, you can potentially reach a global audience, and from there the possibilities are endless. By enhancing your online presence, you can:

  • Promote your work to a broader audience.
  • Sell your art online.
  • Get feedback and improve your creative process.
  • Build a solid network and make connections around the globe.

How to sell your art online

Get started with creating your personal brand (and a website!)

We know that the term “Personal Brand” might sound unfamiliar, or at least linked to a completely different context. However it’s a crucial aspect for any artist who would like to boost their career online. What is a personal brand? The answer is actually quite simple: it's you, or rather, it's how you feel as an artist and what you’d like to communicate through your work. You should think about what your strengths are, as well as the aspects that make you and your art unique, and craft a brand image that best represents all your characteristics. Bear in mind that this image must be unique and coherent, as it should be maintained across every channel (social media, website etc.).

The main online “window” on your personal brand and on your works is your website. Creating a website is a crucial step to building a solid art career online. As a rule of thumb, the site should be clear and load quickly, so as not to drive users away. But most importantly, it should convey at first glance your philosophy and approach. The two main sections to focus on at the beginning are your bio, which should briefly tell about your journey as an artist, and a portfolio/gallery of your works. Just be careful not to add too overly large images, as these can slow down the website loading time!

Along with a website, you might consider creating accounts on a few social media channels too. As of today there are many platforms, and you may want to promote your art through all of them. Being consistent on social media can be a struggle so we recommend starting to post on one or two channels at most. Our advice, since we’re talking about visual art, is to start from Instagram. You could post images of your finished works, photographs of your paintings in progress, or pictures of your studio, just to give a few examples! Our advice is to follow the Instagram accounts of established artists to get ideas and inspiration for your own page.

Learn about Digital Marketing to promote your art online

You may be wondering what this has to do with art. Trust us: one of the best ways to boost your online career as an artist is by familiarizing yourself with Digital Marketing concepts. For instance, you could start by learning how to make a Marketing Plan, which will help you answer some fundamental questions. Who is your ideal audience? That is, who is potentially interested in your works? What are your medium-term goals, and what are your long-term ones? Once you’ve answered these questions, we recommend you look into more vertical Digital Marketing strategies, such as:

  • Social Media Marketing. As we mentioned earlier, social media is a great way to promote your art. Many artists nowadays use their Instagram pages as their portfolio. You could also learn how to make ads on social networks to try and reach a broader audience.
  • Email Marketing. This is another effective strategy for artists, and it is already commonly employed by galleries around the world. You could send out regular emails or a newsletter to update your collectors on your latest works, exhibitions, trips and events.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It’s great to learn the basics of search engine optimization if you have a website. To keep it simple, SEO  helps your website to rank higher on the Google search page, allowing you to reach more people. The higher a website ranks, the greater possibility that people spot it amongst the thousands of different search results.

Sell your art on a digital platform and create online shows

So far we’ve talked mostly about ways to promote your work and reach a broader audience. But how about selling your art? One solution is  to implement e-commerce on your website. However, traditional e-commerce platforms only allow you to showcase your works as static images.

In recent years, there has been a rise in online platforms that make it possible to enhance the way art is showcased online. An example is Villume, which offers a set of virtual galleries where you can organize digital art exhibitions. It represents a great alternative for both artists and gallery owners, giving the flexibility to either choose from a range of existing virtual spaces or make a custom one. On Villume it’s also possible to showcase 3D objects, which would be ideal if you’re a sculptor or you work with mixed media. On a side note, Villume doesn’t take any commission from the sale of artists’ work, which always happens outside the platform. Once you’ve created your digital gallery, we recommend sharing it on your website, newsletter and all your social networks. It will definitely make your work stand out!

In summary, there are a number of ways for artists to elevate their online careers. Through strategic personal branding, a professional website, and savvy social media use, artists can expand their reach and engage with a global audience. By embracing Digital Marketing techniques and leveraging platforms like Villume, artists can showcase, promote and sell their work online in innovative ways.